Terms of Purchase and License Agreement

            This Terms of Purchase and License Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between Jon L. Kreider d/b/a Sun Services Southwest (“Licensor”) and you (hereinafter “Licensee”).  By purchasing a license to an individual photograph(s) or several photographs, as described herein fully below, Licensee agrees to the following:

1.         Licensor provides stock photography images of developments and local landscapes in and around Southwest Florida.

2.         Images are available in one size for immediate download.

  • Approximately 2500 x 1400 @ 300 DPI – Suitable for small prints and larger “Hero Images” or banners on websites and social media. 

3.         Upon purchase, Licensee will license individual photographs or multiple photographs through a “Single Image” purchase or an “All Access Pass.” Purchase of an All Access Pass provides Licensee with the ability to affordably purchase multiple photographs for your particular marketing needs.  The All Access Pass options are as follows:

            i.          All Access Pass 15 Photograph Bundle – This option provides the Licensee with fifteen (15) medium-size high resolution image downloads (Contact for pricing);

            ii.           All Access Pass 10 Photograph Bundle – This option provides the Licensee with ten (10) medium-size high resolution image downloads (Contact for pricing);

            iii.        All Access Pass 5 Photograph Bundle – This option provides the Licensee with five (5) medium-size high resolution image downloads (Contact for pricing)

4.         Purchase of a Single Image or All Access Pass provides Licensee with:

  • A non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the image(s) for personal or business use;
  • For an unlimited amount of time;
  • In any and all media including, but not limited to, in print or digital format for use in connection with Licensee’s business, online social media, websites, brochures, magazines, television, and other advertising formats;
  • Licensee may crop, scale, and/or rotate the image to fit Licensee’s personal or promotional needs;
  • Licensee may overlay the image(s) with Licensee’s text and/or graphics. 

5.         Purchasers of a Single Image or All Access Pass MAY NOT:

  • Alter, edit or manipulate the image, except as expressly provided under Paragraph 3 above;
  • Claim the image as their own;
  • Resell, relicense, sub-license, loan or give away the image or otherwise allow a third-party to use the image in any way;
  • Transfer login information to a third party without prior written consent of Licensor;
  • Create derivative works from the images such as templates, screensavers, calendars, art prints, mugs, calendars, clipart, note cards, or other product whether for sale or promotional use;
  • Use the images for pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libelous or defamatory purposes;
  • Use the images to promote or sell other photography products, services, resources or courses;
  • Use the images in any trademark, logo or servicemark; or
  • Make the images available for download.

6.         Jon L. Kreider d/b/a Sun Services Southwest retains all ownership and copyrights to the images.

7.         Due to the digital nature of the product which allows instant access to the images, NO REFUNDS are provided.

8.         Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Licensor from any and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, lawsuits, judgments including attorneys’ fees and costs arising out of or relating to Licensee’s use of the images.

9.         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and any disputes arising under same shall be brought only in Collier County, Florida or the Middle District Court, Fort Myers Division.

10.       In the event a lawsuit is filed, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

11.       This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to their relationship and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings and representations to the extent they relate to the subject matter herein.

12.       Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable under applicable law, the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

13.       The failure of Licensor to exercise any right provided herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any other or further right under this Agreement.